about us
The Countryside Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is an active group of parents and teachers working together to help make Countryside the best it can be. Every Countryside parent or guardian is a member of the PTO. The PTO helps to enhance our children’s school experience through programs such as Creative Arts and Sciences, the Multicultural Festival, FunRun, Spring Fest and other community building events. We also support teachers by providing classroom resources and materials. The PTO builds community spirit and facilitates information sharing. We encourage you to join us and get involved. The addition of new parents to PTO committees ensures that we continue to generate new ideas and to foster the creative talent that keeps Countryside’s programs dynamic and strong.
Board of Directors
Here for every child!
Steve Lee
Casey Allen
Fundraising Chair
Janet Jackson
Room Parent Coordinator
Sue Johnston
Director at Large
Jill Tucker
Director at Large
Chelsea Boughan
Amye Kurson-Collins
Fundraising Chair
Melissa Monokroussos
Creative Arts & Sciences & ELL Chair
Jess Laurie
Director at Large
Julie Winsett
Director at Large
Erin Kapoor
Beth Harmon
Room Parent Coordinator
Amanda Wong
Creative Arts & Sciences Chair
Barbara Mauger
Director at Large
Sahar Zaheer
Director at Large
PTO Meetings
PTO Meetings are usually held the second Wednesday of each month at 7p.m. They take place at the library or via GoogleMeet (link is sent to all Countryside families at previous Sunday's update).
PTO meetings are open to all Countryside parents/guardians and of course our teachers. We always welcome new involvement and volunteers.