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Support our Programs

The PTO meets a critical need by funding programs, initiatives and supplies not covered in Newton’s School Budget.  We support curriculum needs, fund enrichment programs such as the city-mandated Creative Arts and Sciences, and hold community-building events.​

Here are some of the programs the PTO funds:



(Creative Arts & Science)

Creative Arts and Sciences is the largest component of the PTO’s budget. This city-mandated enrichment program brings three curriculum -based arts and sciences programs to every grade.


(ADA accessible)

The PTO is incredibly excited to announce the addition of a new ADA accessible Gaga pit funded by the PTO. The gaga pit is currently installed on the blacktop, and will be moved once the new school is built.



annual program

This program assists the acquisition of social-emotional tools, alternative seating options, a diversity of books for classrooms.


lunches and events

Throughout the year the PTO organizes breakfasts, lunches and events to show our appreciation to our teachers, including a welcome breakfast their first day back to school and teacher appreciation week lunch.


make a donation

Without financial contributions from parents and others in the community, Countryside could not support many of the activities and programs that make our school so special.


Our annual operating budget is close to $72,000, which is approximately $135 per student. We are able to meet most of our costs through two main fundraisers: the Annual Fund and the Rockin’ Raffle.


We recognize that each family in our community has its own obligations and expenses. Please contribute an amount that is comfortable for you! 

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